Making a Mountain Lion Recovery HD

Update: There’s a better method over at afp548 that does this better. Use that!

A few months ago I made a package to create a Recovery HD on a freshly deployed Lion Mac. It’s time to do the same for Mountain Goat.

In true Blue Peter style, you will need:

Getting a 10.8 Recovery HD DMG

First you need the debug menu turned on in Disk Utility. Make sure Disk Utility is quit and put this into Terminal: defaults write DUDebugMenuEnabled 1

Open up Disk Utility again, select the Recovery HD and choose New Image. In the resulting pop-up leave the name as Recovery HD and change the format to read-only. Save it, and put it in the folder you cloned the repo to.

Getting dmtest

Open the Recovery HD Update from Apple and run: pkgutil --expand /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Lion\ Recovery\ HD\ Update/RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg ~/Desktop/RecoveryHDUpdate

Copy dmtest from ~/Desktop/RecoveryHDUpdate/RecoveryHDUpdate.pkg/Scripts/Tools to the folder your cloned the repo to - just a quick make pkg and you’re finished.